
24 mag 2024


From Chemometrics to Pedometrics: The Pathway Towards Modernizing Canada’s Soil Data Infrastructure

Online on Teams

Guest lecture for the course ‘Applied Pedology', Guest Speaker: Brandon Heung, Associate Professor at Dalhousie University, Truro, Canada | Referente: Marcello Di Bonito

24 mag 2024


The Power of G2P Research in Farmed Animals through High-Throughput CRISPR Screens – The constribution of the European Network on Livestock Phenomics EU-LI-PHE).

On line on Zoom

Webinar organized by Working Group 2 (Genome to Phenome Integration) of COST Action “European Network on Livestock Phenomics – EU-LI-PHE, in collaboration with EuroFAANG

22 mag 2024 23 mag 2024

Presentazioni e incontri

HEU ENFASYS - General Assembly, Novi Sad (Serbia)

Novi Sad - Beogradska 11, Petrovaradin 21000

The General Assembly of the project Enfasys - ENcouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming Systems through policy and business Strategies takes place in Novi Sad | Referente: Matteo Vittuari

23 mag 2024

Presentazioni e incontri

From Management to Markets: Strategies for a Biobased and Circular Economy

Aula e-learning, Viale Fanin, 50, 5° piano, Bologna e on line.

In programma un incontro con il Prof. Wubben (Associate Professor Strategic Management - Wageningen University & Research), Visiting Professor al Distal | Referente: Rino Ghelfi

23 mag 2024

Presentazioni e incontri

Il Progetto DUAL BREEDING 2 – Razze autoctone a duplice attitudine in ambiente padano

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Antonio Zanelli” - Via Fratelli Rosselli, 41, 42123 Reggio Emilia RE

Presentazione dei risultati del progetto DUAL BREEDING 2 organizzato da ANABORARE (Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini Razza Reggiana) | Referente: Luca Fontanesi

19 mag 2024 21 mag 2024


Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)


100 years of soil science – past achievements and future challeges | Referente: Mauro de Feudis

21 mag 2024


Il meleto resiliente ai cambiamenti climatici: DREAM - Open day

Aula 7, Viale Fanin 46, 40127, Bologna e campi sperimentali del podere Fanti-Melloni

Presentazione del progetto DREAM (Diversified orchards for resilient and sustainable Mediterranean farming systems) e visita in campo | Referente: Brunella Morandi

21 mag 2024


Seminario: Risultati del progetto: “Itinerario della biodiversità e dell’etnologia agro-zootecnica della Regione Emilia-Romagna e sua divulgazione”

Aula Magna, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 44, 40127 Bologna BO

Referente: Daniele Bigi

17 mag 2024


Managing risk in sustainable intensification of cropping systems in the Ganges Delta Coastal zon

Aula Guarnieri, DISTAL | Viale Fanin 46, 40127 Bologna

Richard Bell, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia | Referente: Lorenzo Barbanti

17 mag 2024


Symposium: Optimizing analysis of longitudinal, high resolution behavioural data”.

Aberdeen, UK

Symposium organized within the Measuring Behavior Conference, in collaboration with the COST Action “European Network on Livestock Phenomics – EU-LI-PHE | Referente: Luca Fontanesi

12 mag 2024 16 mag 2024


European Horticultural Congress

Palazzo del Parlamento, str. Izvor nr. 2-4, sector. 5, Bucharest (Romania)

The V European Horticulture Congress has the purpose to address the problems horticulture is facing in the current turbulent times | Referente: Brunella Morandi

16 mag 2024


Biology of fly parasitoids and their relevance for biological control

Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, University of Groningen, Linnaeusborg Nijenborgh 7, 9747 AG Groningen, NL e online su Meet

Invited Speaker Seminar at Groningen Institute | Referente: Maria Luisa Dindo